Hallo alle MBYBC lede, (English text below)
Ons missie, hier by die klub, is om vir jul n vriendelikke en ontspanne atmosfeer te skep tydens jul besoek aan jul klub…sodat jul gou weer sal wil terug kom…en onthou hoe meer jul die klub besoek hoe vriendelikker en mooier raak die personeel…
Die Vakansie Seisoen is op hande…en n baie besige tyd lê vir ons en vir julle voor…en ons almal se geduld gaan gereeld op die proefgestel word…maar gelukkig soos ek ons lede ken gaan ons die beproewing met gemak te bowe kom…
Die volgende reels, datums en tye moet onthou word om alles vlot tydens die vakansie-tye te laat verloop:
– Wees asseblief vriendelik en verdraagsaam met die Sekuriteitswage…hul doen net hul werk, werk lang ure en daardeur beskerm hul jou belange nl. MBYBC en n aangename besoek aan die klub…
– Ja meneer die Kroegman sien jou, hy gaan jou help sodra hy met die man voor jou klaar is…Gee hom/haar n “smile” dan voel jul altwee sommer goed…hul skofte is ook lank…
– Die opbetaalde lede sal elk (twee) plakkers kry wat op die voorruit van hul motor(s) aangebring moet word…sodoende verseker ons dat ons goeie beheer oor toegang het.
– Lede wat nie die plakker(s) het nie en wie se lede geld nog so n bietjie agter is sal wel toegang kry, maar deur die voetganger-hekkie om met ons vriendelikke personeel, by die kantoor te kom praat om reelings tov betaling te tref…
– Soos ons almal weet is die parkerings maar min…indien jul as n gesin jul klub kom besoek…probeer met een motor kom, ons sal dit waardeer…
– Die Boot-Was- Area sal toe wees vanaf 1Desember 2016 tot 10 Januarie 2017…Jammer ons boot manne en vrouens, ons gaan ons bote by ons huise moet was en afspoel…”sorry”
– Sekuritietswagte sal vanaf 1Desember 2016 tot 10 Januarie 2017 van 06h00 tot 21h00 hekdiens doen…
– Die sleepwaparkering…wees so gaaf en hak die sleepwa af en probeer dit so naby as moontlik teen mekaar te stoot om sodoende die sleepwa-parkerings tot die maksimum te benut…ek weet julle gaan so gaafwees en nie jul motor en sleepwa op een sleepwa-parkering te parkeer nie… dankie daarvoor…
– Die Jet-Ski sleepwaens moet buite, agter die gebou parkeer word.
– So n klein “netellige-pla-dingetjie”…so af en toe hoor ons maar daai ou gekruide-woordtjie…wat by die agterdeur in glip…kom ons weerhou ons daarvan…”Thanks”
Met vriendelikheid, geduld en nakoming van die paar reëls gaan ons almal n baie aangename vakansietyd hê.
Mag jul en jul familie net n vreugdevolle en Geseënde-Kersfees-Vakansie-Seisoen beleef…en dat die Nuwe Jaar vir julle inhou wat julle ander mense toewens… net mooi dinge…
Anton F du Plessis en al die MBYBC Personeel
Hello all MBYBC Members,
Our mission, along with all the other MBYBC Personnel, is to cultivate a friendly and relaxing atmosphere during your visit to the Club so that you will want to visit us again…and remember that the more you visit the Club the friendlier and more attractive the personnel appear…
The Holiday Season is upon us and a very busy time lies ahead for us all. Our patience is going to be sorely tried and tested. Fortunately, our Personnel have great potential and we know they will rise with ease to the occasion.
The following rules, dates and times must please be adhered to, to allow for efficient running of the Season:
• Please be friendly and tolerant towards the guards at the gate, remember they are just doing their job and work long hours to protect your interests and property.
• Yes Sir, the Barman knows you are there and will help you just as soon as he is finished with the customer in front of you…give him/her a smile, then both of you will feel good. Remember they also work long, tiring hours.
• Paid-up members will each receive two stickers which must be displayed on the front windscreens of their vehicle(s) helping to ensure good control over entry into the club…also please remember to sign your visitors in and make sure you have your membership card with you.
• Members who do not have stickers and whose membership fees are a little “behind” will be permitted entrance…but only through the pedestrian gate so that they can have a friendly chat with the office administration to get their fees up to date.
• As everyone is aware parking is very limited so please try to only use one car where at all possible. We would really appreciate your consideration with this problem.
• The Boat-Washing-Area will be closed from the 1 December 2016 till 10 January 2017…sorry ladies and gents but we will all have to wash and rinse our own boats at home.
• From the 1 December 2016 up to and including 10 January 2017 Security Guards will be on duty from 06h00 to 21h00 at both gates.
• The trailer parking…please be so kind as to unhook your trailer and try to push them as close together as possible so as to make maximum use of the parking…and please be so kind not to park your cars and trailers in the same parking…thank you for that!!
• The Jet-Ski trailers must be parked outside, behind the Club Building.
• And then to a small consideration…every now and then we hear people using crude language…please let us keep ourselves from using crude language…there are always children and other people around and children pick things up very quickly…we would like our Club to portray wholesome, family values…
With friendliness, patience and obedience to the rules we will create a very enjoyable holiday season for ourselves and all visitors.
Special greetings and good wishes to you and your families.
May you all enjoy a peaceful and blessed Xmas-Holiday Season…and may the New Year bring you only the best that you wish for others…very special things!
Anton F du Plessis and all of the MBYBC Personnel