Boating Section

Introduction “How does one define a MBYBC boating member?” Well the answer is quite simple, all boating members have one thing in common ... and that is that they all believe that “a day spent on the water is much better than a day spent on land!” The Boating (and Angling) section of MBYBC consists of the members who operate powered water crafts from the MBYBC club grounds. Not only does the club offer a safe and well-kept slip, it also boasts a wash bay and secure parking facilities for your boat and trailer within the club grounds. As a…

Sailing Section

Introduction The MBYBC sailing section is a very active section at the club. We have a regular bi- weekly club league that is fairly well supported by senior and junior sailors alike. The club league is sailed on both Saturdays and Sundays. The club league attracts a variety of dinghies as well as catamarans. We alternate around the can races with long haul and semi long haul races as well as match racing where sailors compete against each other in two identical boats. A lot of experience is gained and sailors have a lot of fun and excitement in the…

Sailing News 2013

We have moved on to the off season and sailing has slowed down considerably. However a few of our youth sailors got the chance to sail in the Pick and Pay Keelboat Nationals in Table Bay right under the mountain. Andre Bredenkamp, Anke van Rooyen, Daleen Naude, Joppie Naude, Tammy Holden, Tony VD Westhuizen, Sanmarie Fourie had the chance to sail a Muira loaned to them for the event. The group arrived late on Friday night and were accommodated on one of the big keelboat at Royal Cape Yacht Club’s Marina. The next few days was a big learning curve with them having to…

Diving Section

Introduction The MBYBC Diving Section is up and running!  As you know the diving section has been dormant for a while, but we have picked it up from the ground and we did hit the ground running! Please watch this space and our Facebook page for social events and social diving days. Diving gear rentals can be sourced for you should you need any. Air-fills is also available if you dive with your own cylinders.  For the boating guys that needs moorings to be recovered in the bay, please feel free to contact us.  Should you have any diving related…

Heritage Day & the Dive Section

On Tuesday the 24 September, on Heritage day the Dive Section; thanks to Daniel Rodgers who organised & sponsored the dive went out to Santos Reef to see parts of the Galeria Wreck, which went down in the 1800’s.
It was a wonderful peaceful dive, with more than 6 meters visibility and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience
Whilst this was taking place, Danie Smit; Gerrit Dekker, with his wife took time out and had a wonderful dive at the Dollosse.
Afterwards everyone got together and enjoyed a braai, a perfect ending to a wonderful Heritage day.