On 01 December 2017 the Development Section of the MBYBC had the honor to welcoming Mr Lucky Nhlanhla Mbatha and Mr Oliver Schulz from RS Africa Diving and RS Diving Contractor who handed over a donation of R 5000 together with shirts, base caps and sweets. The Vessel from the company is presently alongside in the port. It is the Diving Support Vessel “RS Sentinel” which is currently operating in Mossel Bay.
In addition to the generous donation they handed over two sea survival suits for the kids. Of course they were tested immediately, accompanied with loads of laughter and fun.
RS Diving Contractor is an internationally operating company with headquarters on the island of Borkum, Germany. The company largely operates in the offshore industry, mainly for wind park operators and the oil and gas industry. Their “RS Sentinel” is perfectly designed for the specific requirements of the offshore industry.
The members of the MBYBC and the children from the development section in particular would thank the crew of the RS Sentinel for their visit and their donation and wish them and their families abroad merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!