March has been a fairly quiet month for sailing at the MBYBC and there is not a lot to report on. We did however have our regular club sailing on the 8th and 9th and the 15th and 16th of this month. We have been attracting 10 boats on average and a lot of fun is had and our sailors are learning a lot from the club league.
Our sailors are busy preparing for the 4th and final regatta of the Southern Charter Dinghy Grand Slam that is to be held on Easter weekend (18th to 21st of April). This event will be hosted by the False Bay Yacht Club. The first three events were held at Zeekoeivlei, Theewaterskloof and Hermanus respectively. This event is very popular and I would like to encourage our sailors to take part. The forthcoming event also incorporates the Laser, 29er and 420 Nationals. We have quite a few of our sailors who are attending and I will report on the results in next months sailing report.. For more information go online to www.sasgrandslam.co.za
This month also saw the GLYC inter-schools regatta held at Island lake. On the weekend of the 8th and 9th of March. In the high school fleet first place went to John-Mark Olivier sailing a Laser Radial for Home School kings and GLYC. Second and third places wet to Nathan Page and Georgou Divaris sailing Laser Radials for Glenwood House and GLYC. Fifth place went to Anke van Rooyen and Lea Smit, Point High School and MBYBC. Tenth position was taken by Tammy Holden and Sanmarie Fourie sailing a 29er for Point and MBYBC. In the primary school fleet our joung sailors also did quite well and we saw Jani van Rooyen finish tenth sailing a Optimist for Hartenbos primary and MBYBC. Abi Sweeney and Morgan Lottering finished 13th and 14th respectively sailing Tera Sport”s for Milkwood Primary and their home club is MBYBC. Well done guys. Keep up the good work.
See full result table: GLYC Interschools 2013 Primary and GLYC Interschools 2013 High School
Fair winds! Chris Naudé, Rear Commodore Sailing, MBYBC