Club league sailing took place on Saturday 16 May, We had 10 boats taking part and the results were as follows, Daleen Naudé finished first sailing a topper followed by Pieter de Villiers also on a topper. Third to finish was Wilhelm von Schutz and Louis Mare on a GP14. Marco Moolman and Reawon October finished fourth sailing a 420. Sundays racing was cancelled due to there being no breeze at all.
We have planned a semi long haul for Saturday the 32th of May, weather permitting and normal around the can racing for Sunday the 31st.
Other sailing news is that Meike and Martin Prenzel have imported a Nordic Folkboat from Denmark and should be launching it this coming weekend if tide and weather conditions permit. I am certain that Martin and Meike are going to have lots of fun outings on their boat and that we will often see them out in the bay.
As reported last month we have a number of our junior sailors who are going to take part abroad. If anybody would be able to make any contribution towards the cost of this it would be appreciated. Should you be able to assist in this regard please contact myself or Elfie Holden.
Chris Naudé
Rear Commodore Sailing