What can I say !!! – After numerous postponements due to weather and fish stock we launched our boats at 6h00 on Saturday morning. Saltic 2013 here we come. The weather was beautiful and we all new that the water temperature was low but the expectations was there to catch at least one nice game fish.
The disappointment struck me when Jannie on the boat Henrietta was back by 10h30 and running all the way out +/- 22 km looking for something good did not happen. We can all learn from this avid fisherman that if you don’t get fish within 2 hours after launching come back and enjoy a cold on at the shore.
A first for the Saltic was 6 kayaks that entered. I must congratulate Essie and all his friends that took part in our competition, they averaged about 40 kilometres for the day and that took a strong mind and spirit in this cold water. Well done guys hope we see you in the next competition.
I must commend all the fishermen that took part in the competition, it’s always nice to see the old faces and exchange fishing tips and ideas. Richard on the boat Gung Ho was the last boat in for the day and everybody expected them to have something on board but to no avail. The following fish where weighed :-
First Place went to J Cause on the boat Henrietta with a Garnet of 1.9 kg
Second place went to J Badenhorst on the boat Henrietta with a Hake of 1.6 kg
Third place went to K Rall on the boat Umfaan with a Roman of 1.5 kg
I hope and pray that we are going to have a better season next year.